As people get older, it’s harder to find the time and energy to spend on hobbies. Your interests change, yes, but it’s also difficult to have enough time spare to engage in some hobbies, as they often require specialist equipment, a change of clothes, or a trip to a group or class. If you’re bored of staring into space, here is a list of hobbies that you can do anywhere, anytime.
1. Reading
Reading is an easy hobby to pick up because it’s so portable and versatile. The benefits of reading are well known: It decreases stress, helps you sleep, and exposes you to new ideas and worldviews.

There are so many types of fiction to read — fantasy, romance, thrillers, sci-fi, historical fiction — that everyone should be able to find a niche to suit them. You could also read plays and poetry or try delving into the world of nonfiction.
Grab a book and see where it takes you.
2. Knitting
Knitting is just not just for old ladies anymore. There has been a surge in the popularity of knitting recently, with more and more young people picking up this lost art. You don’t need much space to knit, so you can do it anywhere, even on public transport or during your break at work.
The repetitive nature of knitting means it’s great for practicing mindfulness, but it has the added bonus that you actually end up with a product at the end. Once you get good at it, you could give the knitted goods to friends and family as gifts or sell them to supplement your income. It’s win-win!
3. Budgeting
Set aside at least a day or two per month to create a spending budget. This hobby is a great way to control your finance and save on unnecessary costs. This hobby does not only help you earn some extra money but also allow you to start a more expensive hobby in a year or two. You can also use it to invest in the stock market for more returns in the future.
4. Photography
Most people with a smartphone are carrying around a high-quality camera with them everywhere. Why not turn this into your hobby? Whether you want to take photos of friends and family, street art, pets, or nature, it’s so easy to get started. Experiment with the settings on your phone’s camera to see what results you can achieve. You could also start a social media account to share your photos and get some recognition.
5. Learn a Language
There is a world of possibility these days when it comes to learning a language, and it doesn’t mean taking chunks of time out of your day to travel to an evening class. There are so many apps and websites available, and with just a click of a button and 10 minutes of your time, you could be learning a new language and boosting your brain in your free time.
There are so many hobbies you can enjoy on the go that don’t have to take up a lot of time or energy. These are all portable and fun and can help you to relax and unwind. Try one today.
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