Google is entrenched in almost all sorts of technology there is, from search to cloud. Well, except telecommunications. Now the Mountain View giant is making headway in that direction.
Why Cryptocurrency Payments Will Soon Become Commonplace
The popularity of electronic payment gateways has been soaring in recent times. However, it is interesting that these very same methods were considered nothing more than novelties until the early 2000s. We are now witnessing countless forms of innovative techniques such as biometric security measures, contactless payments, and two-factor authentication.
Lawmakers want probe on Verizon’s creepy supercookies
Verizon Wireless is very explicit in its policy statement: the company takes the privacy of its clients seriously. But it appears the company has not buckled down to taking its policies that way as the company is said to have resumed its use of supercookies to track consumer behavior.
Better security for better business by Dell
The seemingly endless reports of data breach and leaks are a strong confirmation that the security technology we are using to protect our data no longer serves its function, so says a white paper released by Dell SecureWorks. The lengthy technical paper “Better security for better business” – because in-depth and detailed – outlines Dell’s […]
Samsung Smart TV is eavesdropping on you, company admits
It might have slipped from your notice, but Samsung’s policy regulating the use of its Smart TV product states that the company is listening in to whatever you say in front of the screen, another way of saying eavesdropping, and it captures all the details coming from your mouth, including personal information.
How to protect yourself from the Anthem data breach
The entire health care community in the United States has been shaken by yet another data hacking that involved Anthem Inc., a large health insurance provider to the federal government and private customers. It is estimated that some 80 million customers have been potentially exposed to the risk of data breach.