Google has not been particularly known to cater to various business needs of enterprises, its core portfolio being aimed at consumers. In what seems to be a necessary move to expand its business, the Mountain View company is now upgrading its Chromebox for meetings and introducing Hangouts to its Google Apps for Business offering.
Android flaw allows hackers to create fake IDs
Bluebox Security has found a security loophole in Google’s Android operating system through which attackers are able to feign legitimate applications in the ecosystem in order to deceive users and take control of their mobile devices.
Instagram users facing risks when connecting through public Wi-Fi
If you are an Instagram addict and could not resist taking and sharing photos anywhere, including public places where a Wi-Fi connection is available, you should be aware of some risks.
Motorola Rumored To Be Working On A 5.9-inch Nexus Smartphone
Motorola’s decline over the years has been well documented. The once giant is now forced to live in the shadow of the likes of Samsung, Apple and HTC. Although their adaption to Android was quick, it wasn’t quite impactful as its rivals.
Google reportedly acquires video service provider Twitch for $1B
It’s still unconfirmed as of this time, but many reports have circulated recently claiming that Google has reached an agreement to buy Twitch, a subscription-based video services provider, for $1 billion.
Amazon cloud infested with DDoS botnets
Security researchers have found yet another exploit on the Amazon cloud computing platform through the Elasticsearch distributed search engine tool. According to analysis, hackers are able to gain access to the search engine to deploy a battalion of botnets on Amazon cloud.