It was inconceivable back in the 1980s for Apple and IBM to come to terms and actually forge a partnership born out of a desire to complement each other’s capability in addressing a single market for personal computers. The competition and rivalry between the two companies almost reached irreconcilable heights in those years.
Google denies lack of certificate pinning on Gmail app for iOS poses threats
Nearly five months after Lacoon Security notified Google of what it called a vulnerability in the lack of certificate pinning on the Gmail app for iOS, the software giant dismissed the oversight as having no particular capability of exposing users to threats.
What Red Bull Did Right
Successful businesses rely heavily on marketing strategies. A fundamental part of a business to succeed is for the people out there to know that it exists. One of most renowned companies for their marketing abilities is Red Bull.
New Zeus variant targets your financial data through malicious email
Security researchers at Websense Labs have warned Internet users to be vigilant of a new Trojan malware that derives its information-stealing technique from Zeus. The malicious strain of Zeus variants is found to be targeting the financial data of its users by manipulating Windows extensions.
iWatch In-depth Report: Three Variations from Apple Coming Soon?
The Apple iWatch has been a rumored addition to the Apple product line for the longest time now. However, this once rumor is now gaining ground among many individuals who feel that the tech giant is expected to release or at least announce a smartwatch variety this coming October.
5.5-inch iPhone 6 Might Not Release This Fall
Apple stuck to 3.5-inch, followed by a 4-inch bump with its iPhone for a long time. With the world seemingly moving along to bigger sizes, most notably its direct rival Android. iPhone 5S, although rumored to be incremented to a larger 4.3-inch display didn’t materialize, but it seems Apple is finally taking the big step […]