Before the completion of the deal with Microsoft, Nokia announced three Android based smartphones. They were the Nokia X, X+ and XL. Many eyes-brows were raised by Nokia’s move to Android. Nokia carefully chose to highlight the smartphones as a monumental upgrade from the Asha lineup, and to ‘solely ‘entice’ people into eventually purchasing a […]
Chinese knockoff of Samsung Galaxy S4 lurking in Amazon and eBay
Beware of Star N9500, a China-made knockoff of the genuine Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone that has been spotted on Amazon and eBay, among other online stores. The imitation actually contains virus and Trojan that steals personal data to the advantage of the hackers.
LG G Watch Gets Pictured
LG announced its plan to enter the smartwatch market with its own G Watch, powered by Android Wear. The latter, which is specifically designed for smartwatch such as the G Watch.
BlackBerry pins sales growth for new smartphone on partnership with Amazon
In a strategic move to grow the market footprint of its BlackBerry 10-based smartphones, BlackBerry has struck a partnership with Amazon in which all BlackBerry users will have the opportunity to access and download apps from the Amazon Appstore.
CloudFlare helps news and free speech advocacy websites counter DDoS attacks
Good news for journalists, political and free speech advocacy websites, CloudFlare has introduced a powerful tool to protect your network from distributed denial-of-service attacks. And the technology comes without charge for eligible users.
Amazon Fire Phone Announced – Amazon’s Take On A Smartphone
Amazon has officially joined Samsung, Apple and other giants in smartphone market. Earlier today, Amazon’s founder Jeff Bezos took the stage in Seattle to unveil their high-end smartphone titled Amazon Fire.