It is still a true fact. If you spend less, you will be able to save more if you curtail that money into some sort of a savings medium. This can be, for example, through the building of your investment portfolio or in a savings account. However, that was the best formula for saving money, […]
Nokia acquires mapping startup business Desti
A few weeks after Nokia divested its mobile device business to Microsoft, the Finnish company acquired mapping startup company Desti for an undisclosed amount in a move that many consider as an initiative to build up what has been left to Nokia, its HERE mapping technology.
iOS 8 Concept: ‘Blocks’ Reinventing the Home Screen
You are fast at work, either behind a computer or with customers, and you get a notification either while working or on a break. You take the time out to check to see what the update is, only to find out it is either junk mail or an unnecessary message. Now that your train of […]
Europeans eager to be forgotten by Google
In early May, The European Court of Justice ruled that Google had to comply with a Spanish man’s request to have search results related to his name and a foreclosure on a property removed. Since the man had resolved the foreclosure matter and thus made his case that it should be forgotten.
Good news, Windows XP support goes on with simple hack, the bad news is …
It remains questionable whether a recently discovered hack for Windows XP could still take effect in deploying security patches, but one thing that is sure is that a security researcher revealed with validity a method of extending life-support for the now dead operating system until 2019.
Open-source encryption project TrueCrypt is dead
It would be understandable to learn about the closure of a software application that is old enough to retire along with the recently shuttered Windows XP. But to hear the anonymous managers of an encryption project say they are shutting down the whole program because of Microsoft’s implacable end-of-life-support for its twelve-year old operating system […]