Cyber-espionage is not anymore hypothetical, it is happening already, and the wrath of its claws has been felt no more palpably than by the major defense contractors to the US government. The culprit: a hacking group from Iran.
Apple faces class action suit over missing iMessages sent to non-iOS devices
It facetiously looks queer, even unlikely, that your text message should appear as delivered on your iPhone or iPad but actually did not reach the intended recipient who has ditched his or her iOS device for an Android toting gadget.
Will the iPhone 6 finally support NFC technology?
The past few weeks have been an outpouring of rumors about the upcoming iPhone 6 – its new features, highlights and everything that would make it retain the luster that the iPhone family is known for. So far, nothing can be confirmed from those reports.
Google appoints Marketing Executive Ivy Ross as head of Google Glass
Google has started selling its Google Glass to anyone with the money ($1500) in the United States. Being available to the general public puts a lot of pressure on Google to make its product successful. Google has made some major HR changes at Google Glass division.
Facebook and Carnegie Mellon University found a way to block man-in-the-middle attacks
Man-in-the-middle attacks have been one of the most notorious cyber threats that have been wreaking havoc to enterprises for years. This sort of attack is often difficult to combat because attackers operate in a highly stealthy manner, making it less noticeable to two individuals communicating over the Internet.
Xiaomi Mi Pad launched, powerful and affordable gaming tablet
Chinese electronics company Xiaomi has announced its first tablet named Xiaomi Mi Pad. Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun claimed over two years ago that he is not sure about the tablets future at the company. But the entire time he and his company were building one behind the scenes. They are expanding on a device portfolio […]