We are not as excited as we should be about it because rumors of Google Play Music hitting the iOS have been out there for quite a few months.
AT&T CLP99383 Cordless Phone System Review
This post brought to you by Advanced American Telephones. All opinions are 100% mine. Do you think wired telephone is dead? Not yet. Recent reports show that half of the landline telephone systems have disappeared in the last 10 years.
Motorola Moto G announced, priced at $179 with No Contract
As the time passes by smartphones with better hardware and software are entering the market, they all have the same strategy sell better hardware for expensive prices and for those who can’t afford leave them with second grade smartphones, because of which customers can’t enjoy all the features and the internet facilities that smartphones has […]
10 million Google Smart glasses to ship by 2018
It is expected that the number of smart glasses that will be shipped each year by Google would reach to 10 million units in the year 2018 said Juniper in her report. This was estimated up from the 87,000 units of Google glasses that were shipped this year 2013.
Rochester Optical is making prescription models for Google Glass
It has been a long time since Google said of bringing prescription lens support in Google Glass. But till date, there hasn’t been any hint as when it will be realized. It is heard that Google approached Rochester Optical on 2012 and after that 18 months passed away, nothing noticeable happened.
Motiif Trench Coat Sports 4G LTE and Wireless Charging
Smartphones are all about styles nowadays so why just keep it limited to the phone. Imagine yourself in a fashionable Trench coat that can both charge your phone and give you a 4g connection. The Trench coat is called Motiif “M” smart trench coat.