The new Motorola X has gained everyone’s attention once again for there have been new image leaks. This time, the specs were also released with the photos. And one major thing revealed is the camera that will be featuring in the new Motorola X. Previously we have seen that in all rumors, we were not […]
Android 4.3 Jelly Bean and the New Nexus 7 are here! What’s New?
Recently, Google seems to top the list of hot happenings! Either with its awe-inspiring Nexus 7 or with its entertaining ChromeCast! But, since 2 days, there’s been a great hype around its operating system.
10 of the Most Outlandish Wi-Fi Names in Existence
When choosing a name for your Wi-Fi, you can go with a simple, obvious choice like your family’s last name or your favorite pet. You can also make a statement by choosing a name that’s difficult to ignore. Here are 10 of the most outlandish Wi-Fi names in existence from various corners of the Web.
iPhone 5C Retail Packing spotted in pictures
According to the very recent update, there has been an image leaked for the budget iPhone which shows quite amazing piece of the whole puzzle. The picture shows a number of retail boxes with iPhone 5 written on each and Apple logo on one side.
Cheap TVs Versus Expensive New Models – Which Is the Best Option?
The technology in new televisions is developing at such a rapid pace that it’s often difficult to keep up with what is happening in the industry. This can also make deciding between an expensive new model and a cheaper TV a bit of a challenge.
New leak confirms Galaxy Note 3 specs, 5.7″ display inbound
The new and upcoming Samsung Galaxy Note 3 has been all over the internet and a very hot topic these days in the mobile world. Recently, there has been image leak over the internet along with the specs for the Galaxy Samsung Note 3 which confirmed many specifications including the display and the screen size […]