When you want to get the answer to a question, chances are you’ll simply Google it and walk away satisfied. Yahoo Answers might even be a close second in a venue you’ll go to when in need of an answer. However, many people have found that discerning the correct answers from those that aren’t based […]
7 iOS Apps to Help Transition into College
College can be one of the most amazing experiences of a young adults life. The first time they are able to assert their new status as a young adult comes with as much excitement as it does responsibility.
Why securing your remote working should be top priority
While working from home is more convenient for many workers and makes them more productive, it can hugely increase the risks of cyber attacks against businesses.
HTC One Max with 5.9 inch display caught in pictures
According to the recent rumors, we have heard about the existence of a bigger 6-inch version of the HTC One flagship called HTC One max. The HTC One Max has been spotted in Taiwan website, ePrice. The news was about three weeks ago and as the rumors say, it is supposed to run on Snapdragon […]
How Google Chromecast is set to change the world
Just when everybody thought satellite TV and HDTV were the ultimate blessing of the higher power to the nocturnal TV viewer, Google had to up the ante by marrying YouTube to TV directly.
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Smart watch scheduled to release on September 4
We have seen a lot of Samsung Galaxy Note 3 rumors in various reports it is said that Galaxy Note 3 will come with 8 cores CPU and GPU. In another rumor told that Galaxy Note 3 will feature World’s first ever plastic OLED Display.