Not long time ago, we took a look at some iPhone 5 clones in China and honestly they look pretty awesome. However, those are not the best clones and never can beat the authentic iPhone 5.
Surgery Simulator – Gamers Could Become Highly-skilled Surgeons
It is said that young generation is wasting too much time on playing computer games or consoles, that statement could be totally wrong as gamers could become highly-skilled surgeons. Believe it?
Some Great Ideas for Selling Digital Downloads
Have you been selling physical goods online so far? Tired of selling tangible goods?
Google Nexus 10 Reviews
Google Nexus 10, the new tablet manufactured by Samsung, has become the most impressive and fastest Android tablet this year. Moreover, its screen is even sharper than the Retina Display on iPad and most importantly, the price tag is $100 cheaper.
4 Essential WordPress Plugins for Social Media Sharing
I guess it didn’t take you that long to notice how important social media is for your blog. Social Media Networks would be the biggest source of traffic if search engines never existed. Facebook, Twitter and Google+ have huge amounts of active users and thus are the most popular social media sites.
How to Create a Blog for Your Un-Tech Savvy Grandmother
Technology has always been seen as the mysterious invention that the older generations seem to despise. For many of these individuals, this isn’t always the case, and there are many individuals in the tech industry who are in their 70s and 80s.