Amazon Kindle Fire, the best selling low priced tablet, has received the 6.3 software version and it is now available for users to update through direct download or over-the-air. Although the new version doesn’t include anything revolutionary, users will still feel excited with new features/enhancements mentioned below.
Galileo iOS-Controlled iPhone Camera Stand With 360 Degree Motion
Taking videos with an iPhone is often awkward, unproductive, or both. Whenever you breathe or move, the iPhone bounces up and down unseemly, and the video is automatically amateur, no matter how sophisticated the cameras on these things get. (Unless they can account for accidental motion, which they can’t. Yet.) Galileo Motorized iPhone Stand The […]
How To Consistently Write Stellar Content That Your Readers Love
“Content is King” is a mantra that bloggers have been repeating for years, but it’s even more important to remember this fact as Google prepares to launch its Semantic Search. Soon, the quality will not only greatly effect how many returning, loyal visitors you get, but it will also play a larger part in how […]
Are you Over SEO Optimizing your Blog?
If you are using Google as your primary search engine, you must feel annoyed with search results that lead to websites with poor content but somehow they are still able to get on top of SERPs. When you spend time on doing some searches, find out a web link with good title and description, and […]
The Mac Image Processing App Battle: Flare vs. Analog vs. Focus
Instagram is a huge hit on the iPhone. The ability for a free application to allow you to make good photos, and even some bad ones, look like an amazing photo from another time is what makes it attractable to various iOS users. Many applications have tried and failed to copy. However, the wave of […]
7 Ways To Get More Referrals From Pinterest
Now that you’ve learned why your business will benefit from Pinterest, it’s time to get some tips on how to maximize referrals to your site from this budding social networking platform. No, it isn’t true that Pinterest is only for craft moms – no matter what kind of blog you run, Pinterest can bring some […]