Samsung Galaxy Note is neither a smart phone nor a tablet and is categorized as something in between the two. The Samsung galaxy note runs Android and is very light weight. It has a screen size of 5.3 inches and some very impressive features. For starters, it is easy to hold and has a large […]
Best Apps of Macworld 2012
Recently, the Macworld Conference was held in 2012. The conference revealed many changes undertaken by the Macworld. In the conference, they also declared a change in their title. Previously they were called as Macworld but now they are known as Macworld | iWorld. They also declared now for the time being their main objective is […]
Five Ways You Can Optimize Your Blog – Right Now!
When you find that your blog hits a rut in viewers, it can be bad for bloggers who aren’t prepared. For those who aren’t, they can find their blog becoming victim to this dip in viewers or content. This can make the blogger feel less confident about their work and blog. However, there are many […]
How To Customize Vibrations In iOS 5
Have you ever wondered how altered the world could become only if all the phones lose their silent mode? Our mobile devices spend a considerable part of their day lying in silent or vibrate mode. Whether you have to attend a class, go to an important official meeting or any other event, your phone goes […]
How To Make iPhone 4S a Wi-Fi Hotspot [Guide]
When the iPhone 4S was released a few months ago, people were disappointed that some of the most-awaited features have still not made their way to Apple’s mobile platform. Even though there are many positives when it comes to the 4S and iOS 5 in general, like Siri and the amazing camera results, there is […]
Why Blogs need SEO Pressor Plugin
Search Engine Optimization Pressor or SEO Pressor is an automated plugin for blog sites. The developer of SEO Pressor plugin is expert Daniel Tan. Various website and blog owners use SEO to increase the visibility of their sites on the internet. When searching for any information on any search engine, particular websites appear on the […]