Samsung has already launched its Galaxy S8, and it also prepares for the release of its business-class beauty, the Note 8. All three phones are clearly flagship material, with high-performance hardware hidden under a slick and functional body, yet they come with one major disadvantage: their price tag. According to predictions, the Note 8 will […]
Data Scientists’ Everyday Lives
As the science that tackles data, no one can truly underestimate the output of a data scientist. However, not all data scientists are compelled to sit 8-9 hours a day in front of a computer. Their work and its respective ranges and difficulty vary per job.
Wireless Charging for iPhones: Is It Safe or Not?
It is hard to imagine life without our trusty iPhone. We rely on this tiny device so much when we are busy (i.e., answering calls, sending messages, browsing emails, etc.) and even when we are bored (i.e., checking social media feeds, watching videos, playing games, etc.). Simply put, this smartphone is all we could ever […]
What to consider when buying a new phone
With technology all but taking over the world, deciding what phone you would like isn’t as easy as it used to be. Nowadays, there is far more to consider than just the cost and style of the phone a whole host of features you may or may not need.
The Wearable Tech That’s Changing Travel
As wearable tech becomes more pervasive, we thought we’d check out the latest gadgets changing modern travel. Below, you’ll find some of the wearable tech and gadgets that we’re really excited about.
Download the Best Apps and Games for Your Android Device
Technological development has taken the concept of mobile phones and gaming to such new heights that the present market is flooded with smartphones and Android devices. Almost every alternate day a new feature is added to these devices making them more advanced and efficient. Nine out of ten people today possess an Android device and […]