Of all the many examples of technology being harnessed to enhance social and leisure activities across the globe, online dating is surely one of the most obvious. Millions of potential partners regularly scour these websites, poring over profiles and connecting with complete strangers. The fact that so many people are choosing to engage in this […]
Affiliate Programs: How the Internet is creating new marketing opportunities
If you’ve heard of affiliate marketing but haven’t actually dipped in here’s what you should know about this phenomenon. It is a relatively straightforward technique; in fact, in a technology-driven world that can obsess about everything from software versions to program glitches, it is the sheer simplicity of affiliate marketing that makes it so appealing.
7 Best GPS Triathlon Watches
Be it cycling, running or swimming, there is a wide variety of triathlon watches in the market to measure speed, distance, heart rate, pace, and even altitude.
Learn How to Convert YouTube Videos to MP3
What can be more fun than free, good quality stuff? Not much. This is why YouTube was so successful to begin with. It offers anyone the awesome chances, not only to watch any video of their choosing online, no matter its length, but to also upload anything they might deem worthy to be shared with […]
A Thermal Camera That Fits In The Palm Of Your Hand? A Hands-On Review
Thermal cameras used to be incredibly bulky, incredibly expensive, and incredibly complicated to use. Thanks to the innovative guys at Therm-App that’s no longer the issue.
[Flash Sale] Beelink GT1 Ultimate Android TV Box
I used to review an Android TV box from Xiaomi and quite loved it. However, if you need a more powerful TV box for the same price, now you have another option, the Beelink GT1 Ultimate. The product is on sale for just over $70 on GearBest.