If there is one thing the credit card breaches in the past have taught companies, it is that they have a long way to put in place more robust security measures. That was nowhere near more clear than in the recent discovery of a credit card breach incident that affected customers of Noodles & Company, […]
Over a hundred million LinkedIn login credentials found sold on black market
LinkedIn accounts have always presented temptations to hackers for them to try at any rate to obtain access to those accounts. So it is not surprising at all when it was reported that more than 117 million user login credentials of the social networking site for professionals have been found on sale on the black […]
Beware of a new variant of Shopperz adware
Security researchers at Bleeping Computer are quick to discover emerging and revenant threats, and this time the team broke the alarm to a new variant of the Shopperz adware, thanks to the tipster in the name of Djordje Lukic.
3 Android Devices All Techies Need in 2016
Smart devices have become so diverse in recent years that it can be hard to keep up with the latest innovations. If you’re a techie who always needs the latest options, be sure to check out these three devices.
6 Tricks You Didn’t Know Your Camera Could Do
If you’re new to photography, you aren’t always aware that your digital camera is loaded with features that go beyond snap and shoot. You can take advantage of the many features available on your camera to snap gorgeous photos. Whether you are practicing photography as a hobby or as your career, these six tricks are […]
Reasons To Have Backup Internet For Your Business
In today’s modern world, businesses of all sizes heavily depend on the internet to keep their businesses on the move. No matter the type of enterprise, reliable network connectivity is an important facet of business continuity. Along with the surge of the twenty-four-hour business trend is an increasing need for workforce and customers alike to […]