Security researchers at Palo Alto Networks have spotted a new kind of ransomware called Locky that works in a kind of attack similar to that of Dridex, a notorious kind of banking malware that has victimized a great number of individuals and enterprises.
Why automakers need to tap white-hat hackers for smart car security
Imagine driving down the highway in broad daylight when suddenly a hacker takes control of all the systems and components that make your vehicle smart.
Hackers from Russia are using a simple Trojan to target Linux systems
A group of hackers dedicated to espionage attacks based in Russia has been targeting Linux computers using a simple Trojan malware that requires no root privileges, meaning the attackers have the option to install the malware using any account.
As Internet of Things interest grows, threats mount
Quite unarguably, there has been an escalating interest in the Internet of Things among businesses and homeowners, what with the comfort it provides to both individual and enterprise users. Accompanying this growing enthusiasm for IoT is a mounting concern over the security of the infrastructure as well.
How to protect your organization from fraudulent social engineering
The FBI recently revealed a case of business e-mail compromise that targeted an unnamed company in the United States through a deceptive email.
Biometrics or multi-factor verification: what’s the best security approach?
Having a tool to remotely access an enterprise network or even a personal computer has increasingly become a major driver for business efficiencies to manage operations and the human capital, especially at a time when everything we need to know is available right at our fingertips.