The United States federal government is still reeling from the massive hack on the Office of Personnel Management, but it now appears the incident is only the tip of the iceberg as researchers from Recorded Future found a huge volume of credentials belonging to federal employees being leaked in paste sites.
How to protect your devices in the Internet of Things world
Connected devices in the age of the Internet of Things continue to expand in number and as this happens, the threat landscape also continues to grow.
The Evolution of Mobile Phones
It’s more normal now than ever before to have a mobile phone. In fact, many people even have more than one and barely anyone leaves the house without checking they have their mobile on them. But who actually remembers where it all began?
Swift keyboard on Samsung devices exposes users to remote attacks
The problem with built-in apps in mobile devices comes forth when a security hole associated with it presents a real threat to the users.
Apple Watch vs Android Wear: Which way to go?
There are a lot of differences between the Apple Watch and Android Wear operating systems for wearables. These differences are quite noticeable in that both platforms vary tremendously in design. Apple Watch is centered on mobile applications while Android Wear focuses on cloud computing.
Dell Uncovers Malware Hiding in Images
It is just natural for a malware to be hidden somewhere so that it becomes tricky and hard for would-be victims to fail to notice it. And nowhere is it more difficult to detect a malware than in images you think are safe but actually contain malicious codes.