Chinese phone manufacturer Xiaomi may be enjoying warm market embrace with the exponential growth in Mi 4 sales, but that might change following discovery of malware that has been allegedly preinstalled in the device.
Google wants to slap Android into the virtual reality
Search giant Google is edging in the virtual reality race, with tens of developers led by Clay Bavor and Jeremy Doig working on a version of the Android operating system for VR applications, no matter the insignificant number of such devices in the market at present.
Apple Watch could be released on March 9, here’s what to expect
Apple has sent out invitation to media outlets for an event on March 9, for what purpose it did not mention in the invite. But the consensus has been that the Cupertino tech giant will finally take the veil off the Apple Watch during the event.
Web analytics plugin vulnerability exposes millions of WordPress sites to hijackers
A web analytics plugin has been one of the most useful tools for keeping tabs with how your website is performing and making decisions based on the data it provides. But when things go bad, it could also bring tremendous damage to your site.
Lenovo computers are vulnerable to Superfish adware flaw
A major flop in Lenovo’s way of making computers underscores the risks of pre-installing software systems in digital products.
LinkedIn will begin to Show Ads Targeted to You
When reports of Facebook ads began to circulate years ago, many users from all fronts expressed mixed reactions, mostly negative.