Several rumors about the much awaited HTC Hima (HTC One M9) has circulated over the Web of late that one can’t help but believe it is now the most wanted device, outshining its major competitors like Apple and Samsung. But until now there were no photos leaked to beef up interest in the forthcoming HTC […]
Wondershare TunesGo Review – The Perfect iTunes Companion?
One of the persistent barriers that continue to divide mobile music lovers is the lack of a common interface between major platforms such as Android and iOS. Such a divide brings about unnecessary burden when one tries to transfer files from iTunes to Android devices, especially music files and photos. Luckily, there are apps out […]
In Romania, a legal access to private data for the government
While privacy advocates in the United States fume over government practices of spying on confidential data of individual citizens, particularly by the National Security Agency, Romania’s parliament has just approved a bill that would authorize the government to access private networks of businesses containing confidential data of private users.
Google wants to crush Amazon in online commerce
Just as Amazon is taking on the search dominance of Google by launching its own search product, Google is being rumored to have a plan to introduce enhancements to its Google Shopping service in a move to unseat from that throne.
CHARGE Anywhere data breach puts encryption security in question
There was a far more overreaching issue that emerged in last week’s data breach involving payment gateway and mobile payment developer CHARGE Anywhere than the loss of data itself: the security of encryption in place.
The History of Chat from Stone Scribbles
Do you remember MS-DOS? Was your first chat experience on AOL or IRC? Do you remember the click of the rotary telephone – probably the only phone in your home? Back in the day, we had to pull up a chair and sit at our computers to communicate online. If you used the old chat […]