Apple’s big event on Tuesday seemed to have highlighted only two things as far as consumer reactions go: the new and bigger iPhones and a smartwatch. There are three new offerings from the Cupertino for your information, the third being the NFC-based payment system called Apple Pay.
Pretty Easy Privacy project aims to develop free encryption tools for email, IM, SMS services
A team of developers has kicked off something very helpful to Internet users, especially those who constantly use online services such as email and instant messaging. The Pretty Easy Privacy was launched on Monday with the goal of developing free encryption tools for online communication services.
Many popular Android apps remain insecure, unencrypted
Talk of popular mobile apps on the Android or iOS operating systems and you have Instagram, Facebook, or OkCupid topping the list, among others. While these apps are currently in use by billions of users worldwide, a security research findings show that a lot of famous apps on the Android ecosystem have poor basic security […]
How to protect your privacy on Facebook
Amidst endless reports of privacy intrusion in the past couple of months, mostly involving users of social networking sites and email services, it’s time we review some useful methods to protect our identity online.
Google targets emerging markets with $105 Android One launch
Google aims to increase sales, particularly of its Android product, in emerging markets, starting with the launch of its $105 Android One devices in India, a major emerging economy. The low-cost handset unveiled in New Delhi on Monday is Google’s first product under the Android One family.
Gmail credentials exposed online: why you should and should not worry?
Google’s cloud-based Gmail service has yet again become a favorite target of hackers, who according to reports originated from Russia. The search giant, however, was quick to dispel fears of compromised accounts, saying the hacking of nearly five million credentials, which include usernames and passwords published with no hesitation on the site Bitcoin Security, does […]