Earlier today, popular Chinese social network website Weibo released a few pictures of an upcoming new Lumia device. The rumor mill is claiming that the device is the Lumia 830. As its moniker ‘830’ suggests, the Lumia 830 will succeed the ageing Lumia 820, which has been around for most part of two years, and […]
Samsung Galaxy F Gets Pictured
The story of the Samsung Galaxy F has been an ongoing saga, which by no means wants to stop. The Galaxy F was first leaked alongside the Galaxy S5 earlier this year, and was said to be a premium version of the latest Galaxy flagship. The Galaxy F smartphone will be Samsung’s answer for the […]
Microsoft is expanding encryption and transparency efforts
It’s hard not to take privacy and security measures seriously at a time when government surveillance programs have become seemingly the rule, and Internet companies are at the forefront of efforts to beef up encryption as the most effective and practical means of warding them off.
Android bug leaves cryptographic keys open to hackers
It’s hard to make financial and banking transactions through your smartphone without feeling wary about the security implications, but sometimes users trade safety for comfort and time.
Orkut support strings to be cut off by Google
Google’s Google Plus is not the only social network that it possesses which has been marked by an abysmal failure. In the past, even though the advertising giant has had better luck running social networks; better social networks in the form of Facebook were born and started taking away all of the members present on […]
Google Glass owners can steal other PIN numbers easily
Seeing as how notoriously unpopular Google’s innovative wearable headset Glass has become, this latest find will make it slump down even further. Thanks to a new study conducted by the University of Massachusetts Lowell, Google Glass owners should be viewed as a threat to stealing your phone’s PIN number.