Samsung just announced their new smartphone the Galaxy Core Advance which is the successor to Galaxy Core. Samsung said that they gave their Galaxy Core Advance a ‘’meaningful design’’ so that the technology of Galaxy smartphones can be extended to more users out there.
Ops App removed by Google in newest update
Google just updated their kitkat to 4.4.2 and with this update the feature called the App Ops has been removed. You could not see the feature unless you install a third party app on your smartphone and after that you could see an App Ops menu which would help you select which application you want […]
[How To] Dual Boot Chrome OS and Ubuntu on your system
Ever wondered that you could Dual boot Chrome OS and Ubuntu on your same system? No, then we have an awesome guide which will allow you to install Ubuntu running system and dual boot them.
Why Microsoft is working so early on a new OS codenamed Threshold?
When it comes to software giants like Microsoft, Google, Apple – even a small thing can make it to a big news. As it is heard from some source, Microsoft is planning to make some significant changes in the next Windows 8 version codenamed ‘Threshold’. One of the major changes is the addition of Start […]
Google redesigned Nexus 5 hardware
Looks like Google does not only care about their Software but Hardware as well because Google Nexus 5 just got a hardware revision. This happened because some of the owners of Nexus 5 had some complaints about their phones, Google listened to them and improved the areas where they were facing problems in.
Root any Android Device with Cydia Impactor
Cydia, a third party application used to jailbreak an iPhone can now be used to root any Android device too. Saurik, the man who made Cydia has developed another application named Cydia Impactor which can root 99 per cent of all the Android devices.