New leaked images shows the gigantic Nokia Lumia 1520 windows phone that has 6 inch screen with 1080p display. Images show various aspects of lumia 1520 including the new windows phone 8 update, the camera shots and few other details. It is expected that Nokia will launch the device within the next few weeks on […]
Apple planning a deal to ship iPhone 5C to China Mobile
As the new report came in by Wall Street Journal China Mobile has already or is said to sign a deal with Apple Company. Apple has asked Foxconn to add China Mobile to the list of supported carriers for the low cost iPhone 5C.
Asus unveils MeMo Pad 8 and MeMo Pad 10 Android tabs at IFA this year
Aside from the refreshed edition of Asus FonePad 7, Asus has also rolled out two more inexpensive Android tablet computers (tabs) named as ‘Asus MeMo Pad 8’ and ‘Asus MeMo Pad 10’ at much awaited IFA this year in Berlin.
Bitdefender Internet Security 2014 Review
One of the biggest issues that are being faced by every person who knows a personal computer is the security threats and viruses that hit the system every now and then, damaging critical system files and stealing some very personal and important data.
Microsoft Buys Nokia device and services industry for $7.2bn
Microsoft has officially bought Nokia devices and services division for $7.2bn. The deal also includes all the patents and other services introduced by Nokia over time. The deal comes to as no surprise as many pundits were predicting a constant downfall to the Nokia smartphone market. Even when Nokia partnered with Microsoft and started selling […]
Moto X price to drop to $100 in Q4, back wooden panel customization for $50
According to the @evleaves, the new upcoming device Motorola X will be available in at least four new wood grained backs. It will also drop its price to a $99 on contract come Q4 2013. This begins at the end of the September and as the news say, it will offer up to a minimum […]