If your goal as a network or system admin is to perfectly monitor the performance of Linux servers, then you have your work cut out for you. It’s a daily chore for administrators to debug and closely monitor all kinds of system performance challenges. The bottom line for these over-worked professionals is to simply maintain […]
The importance of SD-WAN redundancy to application uptime
Downtime is the bane of CIOs, IT managers, and sysadmins around the globe. Downtime brings productivity to a halt, costs an enterprise money, and often leaves IT in the hot seat to explain what happened. To make things tougher, the numbers on downtime are getting worse. A survey released earlier this year showed that 86% […]
NordVPN still safe after the breach of its server
On October 21st NordVPN provided a detailed report about its third-party provider breach, which took place at the beginning of 2018. A hacker breached NordVPN’s server, maintained by an unnamed Finnish company. So what happened, and what does this story tell us about this VPN service?
What Google’s Quantum Computing Leap Means to Your Privacy
Quantum computers are like nuclear fusion – they are always just a decade away. Both of these technologies would completely revolutionize our society and would herald a new age for humanity. However, while we have nailed the principles of both quantum computing and nuclear fusion, there are significant difficulties in turning those principles into working […]
6 skills that could boost your .NET developer salary
Microsoft launched a .net platform almost 15 years ago. Since that time, it became very popular among many specialists as technology has a lot of advantages. It is quite easy to use and supports multiple tools for mobile, desktop, and web application development.
The Coolest Tech for New Cars
New car tech is advancing faster than automakers expected it to. That’s why even low-end models now include an entire array of gadgetry that often seems out of place in economy cars. That’s generally good news for consumers who get the benefits of new-age technology no matter what cars they buy. But it’s even better […]