It is critical to understand more about container security, especially in 2020. There are more security breaches and information leaks more than ever before. In the last five years, several enterprise companies have fallen prey to online attacks. These enterprise companies include Canva, LinkedIn, and Equifax.
Artificial Intelligence Is Redefining Enterprise IT Analytics
With artificial intelligence entering the market of enterprise IT analytics, technological performance, processes, and strategies are being completely redefined. Harnessing the power of analytics to mitigate operational risks, anticipate client needs, optimize performance, and enhance quality is becoming increasingly popular amongst successful corporations. As a result, major businesses like Amazon and IBM have already increased […]
What Project Managers Can Learn from Running Remote Teams During COVID-19
Many companies never did any work remotely before the Covid-19 pandemic. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, though, cities and states across the United States and the world found themselves in a state of quarantine. It was more important than ever to stay home, travel only to essential places. For many of us, the office was […]
Review of Sony Xperia Sola
Sony Xperia Sola is a great phone which is a combination of features and style. Even though technically Sony Xperia Sola is not included in the NXT series it does share few design choices of the handsets of Xperia series 2012. Although it doesn’t run on Ice Cream Sandwich atleast for now, it is packed […]
Samsung Galaxy Appeal Review
Samsung Galaxy Appeal is a touch and type mobile phone which is loaded with features you are surely going to love. From the vertically slide opening to the QWERTY keyboard, this handset is surely great when it comes to looks and style. Here is all that you should know about this new model by Samsung. […]
Top 5 Famous SEO Myths
The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) world is very complex due to several reasons which play actively behind the scenes. Let us take an ideal example like Google. I guess it is well known to all of us that Google algorithm considers more than 200 unique factors in the process of ranking a webpage. Moreover, many […]