Samsung announced the Galaxy Mini 2 at the Mobile World Congress held in Barcelona, Spain. The Galaxy Mini 2 is an evolutionary product and follows its predecessor Galaxy Mini. As per an entry level phone it has decent features. The product has been designed to meet the range of the lower end price in the […]
Best Media Center for Mac OS X?
So you want to bring the whole home theater experience to your desktop, eh? There are quite a few options to choose from in the way of media centers, but the average entry-level entertainment hub just won’t cut it – you’re looking for a highly customizable, feature-rich solution to all your video streaming needs. Well […]
Top 5 Free Screen Capture Softwares For Windows
Screen Shot, a technical jargon has in-fact a very simple meaning. It simply means taking a picture of the content in your computer screen or part of the computer screen with some software or some web browser application. The resulting picture is an image file which you can save in any part of your computer […]
Understanding How Panda Update can Affect Site
With the update of Google Panda, many sites have seen the decrease in the PageRank and visitors. If your site has lower ranking in search engines, how can you increase the site trafficking? If your site contains poor content into it, you will have to suffer when Google Panda updates. There are some reasons behind […]
Speed up your WordPress Blog: 5 Easy Steps
A blogger always aims to optimize the loading speed of his WordPress blog. Speed plays a crucial factor in your blog popularity. With better speed, the user can be actively engaged in the blog for a longer time and it is also an important criterion in SEO. In this article, we will discuss 5 easy […]
Sony’s Floating Touch Interface in the new Xperia Sola
At the MWC last month, the Japanese mobile manufacturing giant added Xperia P and Xperia U to its premium smartphone line up and on Tuesday the company unveiled its latest addition to the Xperia NXT series with the new Xperia Sola.