In the last several days, Google has pulled close to two dozen infected applications from the Android Market. These fraudulent malware apps allowed criminals to send profitable SMS messages which were then billed to the smartphone users. These apps looked like popular apps such as horoscopes, Assassin’s Creed Revelations, Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, other […]
How To Root Amazon Kindle Fire And Get ADB To Work [Guide]
Amazon Kindle Fire tablet is being considered as the primary competitor for iPad, which no doubt is the market leader of the tablet market. But it appears that all that is about to change as Kindle Fire has now been rooted, which has opened up endless customization possibilities for it’s users.
How to Reach More Readers With Your Blog
When it comes to promoting a website, affiliate company or just blogging in general, you can use a blog to bring in new readers. By blogging about your products and services you can bring in new sales for your business. There are different ways to reach more readers with your blog.
How to Make a Photo Gift CD with Picasa
Google’s product always provides ease of use and intuitive features, delivered to the user. Google’s Picasa – an Image organizing and manipulation program is not an exception for this. This article would be helpful and handy especially while sharing Holiday moments, Wedding moments, Birthday party’s etc.
5 Ways to Find Blog Inspiration Ideas
Even the greatest bloggers suffer from dry spells in blog inspiration ideas. Learning how to push through these times separate the great writers from mediocre ones. “You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” – Jack London Inspiration yields great writing. Without inspiration, passion fails and writing suffers. Whether […]
Futuristic MacBook Login Process
Apple has been granted a new patent – one that uses invisible ink, on-display barcodes, and next generation cameras for a login process on future MacBook laptops. The ink, printed under the glass on the front of your iPhone, or on the back of the case, would allow you to gain access to password protected […]