LG launched its latest flagship, the LG G7 ThinQ, in May 2018. The latest phone comes with the latest features and hardware, so it is expected to recover the brand image after the failure of recent LG’s flagships.
Archeer AH45 Bluetooth Headphones / Mini Speaker Review
It’s not easy for a new brand to get into the super crowded headphone market. They would have to make something special or the sound must be great. Archeer AH45 stands out of the crowd with a unique feature, let’s check it out.
Google Home: Sorry, I Couldn’t Reach Mi Home
The Google Assistant’s support for Mi Home devices is a great news for Xiaomi’s users. Now we can control all those devices with our voice by talking to our phone or Google Home speakers.
Wondershare Filmora Video Editor – Reviewed on Windows
If you’re looking for a video editor on Windows, you have to face the dilemma of picking between a free one and a very expensive option like Adobe Premiere. While the free options are so limited in functions, the latter is out of budget of most amateur video producers. Fortunately, there are some affordable video […]
RHA MA650 Wireless In-Ear Headphones Review – Mix Feelings After Real Use
RHA is a young headphone manufacturer from the UK and the MA650 Wireless is just my first headphones from this brand. Let’s find out if the product is any good.
Mpow Flame Bluetooth Headphones 5-Piece Gift Set
Bluetooth in-ear headphones are cheaper than ever. Now, for less than $30, you can have the headphones along with a bunch of accessories. Let’s check out the Mpow Flame Bluetooth Headphones 5-piece gift set.