I’ve reviewed a lot of desk lamps lately, most of them look great but they lack the sturdy design and flexibility for professional works. The OxyLED Professional Architect Swing Arm desk lamp might be a better option if you’re looking for a more capable lamp. Let’s check it out.
Amped Wireless REC22P High-Power AC1200 Plug-In Wi-Fi Range Extender Review
I’ve tested some Wi-Fi range extenders from Amped Wireless and quite satisfied with their performance. Therefore, I was quite positive that the new Amped Wireless REC22P would take it up a notch.
iDeaPlay W200 Bluetooth Speaker Review – Jaw-Dropping Sound?
Before testing each product, I’ve always looked for more information on the Internet. And when I read some reviews of the iDeaPlay W200 Bluetooth Speaker, all I saw were excessive compliments. I was so doubtful because the speaker comes from an unknown brand.
ARCHEER A320 Bluetooth Home Speaker Review – An Amazing Budget Speaker
I’d never been interested in reviewing budget Bluetooth speakers because a majority of them are rubbish. I was not impressed with the Archeer brand when I checked out their product category. Most of them look cheap and I even found a Sennheiser Momentum headphones’ clone.
Creative iRoar Go Bluetooth Speaker Review – A Powerful Water-Resistant Wireless Speaker
We reviewed the Creative iRoar a few months ago and it is still my favorite speaker of the year. However, it has a big issue, that is the hefty price tag that a majority of consumers can’t afford. It is also not water-resistant and quite cumbersome to carry around. Those are the reasons why that […]
Just Mobile HeadStand Review – Aluminum Stand for your High-End Headphones
I love headphones and currently own a collection of around 20 high-end headphones from the biggest manufacturers like Sennheiser, Beyerdynamic, and Audio-Technica. However, I have just 2 headphones for daily use, including one pair of on-ear and one pair of over-ear headphones. Those are often the best-sounding headphones in my collection and I always want to […]