We all must have been familiar with big screens installing on streets or airports for the purpose of advertising. The screen you see could be a single large screen or a video wall. This post will focus on only video wall because it is more popular and has some absolute advantages.
Track Earnings of Youtube Videos in Google Adsense
Youtube has officially opened its Partner program to all people and now video producers around the world can join the program immediately without application review. This is really good news because Youtube Partner could become a great revenue source for publishers and bloggers like us as we can earn more money from the advertisements displayed […]
6 Ways to Access Blocked Google & Facebook in China, Iran, North Korea and Vietnam
Blocking sites is common, be it at offices or be it at school and colleges, there are certain sites which the authorities do not want you to visit and hence they are blocked. From popular websites like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube to personal blogs, you might find a number of such sites being blocked at your workplace, […]
Is Anchor Text Dead? Link Building after Google Algorithm Update
As announced earlier, Google started implementing a lot of major changes in its ranking algorithm this month and they could affect a large percentage of websites out there. If you haven’t read the list of changes, I recommend you to check it out on their blog post. In the big list of 50 changes, I […]
Square Card Case Upgrades to Pay with Square
Square’s Card Case has a few updates and major improvements to its mobile payment service. For starters, the application has been renamed to “Pay with Square,” which more efficiently describes what the app should be used for. Similar to Card Case, Pay with Square allows users to virtually pay for merchandise at retail stores without […]
5 Services To Use If You Can’t Come Up With A Domain Name On Your Own
When it comes to finding the right Domain name for your website, it can be nearly impossible to get a good vacant domain name. Many people often come up with great ideas, however, they are unable to keep a domain name that reflects their website content because of unavailability of domain names. In my experience […]