As technology continues to advance in the workplace, so does company productivity through automation and trouble-free communication. In global companies, this also means finding ways to get your message across through any medium streamlining from executives to employees, alike. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is making this easy! In this tech progressive space, how do we use it to proactively create a sense of connectedness in the growing global workplace?
Implementing AI
The research group, Gartner, predicts 70 Percent of businesses will integrate AI to assist Employees’ Productivity by this year! This includes adding virtual assistants, automation technologies, and effective productivity tools around the office. These assistants would take care of supporting and augmenting routine tasks, leaving room for more productivity in the workplace.
This includes auto-generating reports, emails, analytics and more related business tasks. AI brings long term value to not only organizations but the employees themselves.
AI can also be applied in creating presentation videos, making it easier to share ideas, data, and business topics within your organization/industry.
Communicating with Global Associates
With AI, we have learned to communicate more effectively and efficiently than ever! This makes sharing data and other information simple to collaborate with on a global scale.
Videos have become a new way of communicating your message in under a minute and with new software being released, it has become easy to translate these videos and communicate your message on a global level. Language has no longer become a boundary.
simpleshow, the pioneer platform for products and services around explainer videos, has created a new roll-out with their AI software videomaker. The AI-powered SaaS solution, the simpleshow video maker, allows users to create professional explainer videos within just a few clicks.
Videomaker’s 20+ Smart Language update makes it possible for the software to immediately benefit a larger share of users, major business and eLearning markets throughout the world.
Their new language rollout states that “This will benefit not only native speakers but also companies that serve numerous markets or employ an international team. This will make communication in their native language easier than ever before.”
This new upgrade features Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Romance Languages, and other European languages on top of their already built-in English and German language features. Making it easier to proactively communicate with new and existing global partners.
Where This Benefits Your Company
Through many departments such as HR and Accounting, AI video software allows cutting presentation time while allowing viewers to easily look back at its contents. The software’s link sharing allows for easy collaboration through all platforms. You may also copy your video and create new scripts to adapt to a new language. This way the company is able to keep any video for reference.
Explainer videos are a great way to share new evolutions in sales, data information on analytics, and overall updates on anything company-related. In an internal and international landscape, these videos are proven to help the audience retain more information than just blocks of text. Wordstream’s “75 Staggering Video Marketing Statistics” states “Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text.” Remember that when presenting to your international sales teams, executives or investors.
Keeping the Script Simple
To share this type of information with intentions of collaborating, it could be easy to blur the lines between understanding and miscommunication.
simpleshow video maker makes it easy to tell how far along you are on your script and how much time it is taking to explain that section of your presentation.
Keeping messages simple allows for them to reach your audience no matter the language. Consistently keeping it simple also gives the AI system a way to select the perfect images for your topic.
Readability at a 5th grade level keeps an easy benchmark of the understanding of your content. When writing these scripts, write for the people, not search engines.
The National Law Review states that only 1 in 5 American adults can only read at a fifth grade or lower level, while the average reading level in the United States stagnates at a seventh-grade level.
This does not mean that it is necessary to have to dumb down language, but rather simplify its delivery. This means staying away from specific industry jargon and keeping messages easy to digest to your international audience.
Author bio
Daniella Pinzon is a student at the University of Miami, studying interactive media and creative marketing. She focuses on how technology is making its way into daily life to create a more sustainable work-life balance.
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