Your college years are a lot of fun, yet they also teach you to be responsible. Juggling multiple assignments, making your own money and finding time for parties and campus activities is big of a challenge, and you don’t want any area of your life to suffer. Sounds familiar?
Six Tips to Keep Your Digital Files Organized
How many times in a day do go through the ordeal of searching a particular file and face the frustration of not finding it online or your system? Every other technology user goes through this ordeal since they don’t have the time to find them. When it comes to managing your files and documents online […]
How to Choose an Email Marketing Provider
There are plenty of pretty good email marketing providers out here. They range from the very basic to large enterprise solutions. Surely, each and every one of them will help meet the minimum requirement of sending out emails. But, choosing one that’s perfect for your business will guarantee the performance of your campaigns at a […]
Why Blockchain is the Future of Social Media
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post, we were compensated to publish this article on our website. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest – all centralized social networks and all social media platforms that we know.
What’s the Best Method to Back Up Virtual Machines?
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post, we were compensated to publish this article on our website. Data protection and recovery are two major concerns for businesses that rely on virtual machines. Corruption and accidental deletion are the primary causes of inability to recover a virtual machine.
What We Are All Still Overlooking About Cryptocurrencies
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post, we were compensated to publish this article on our website. For the layman, cryptocurrencies, especially the most prominent example, Bitcoin, are famous for two things: Those huge price rises that made instant wealth for anyone shrewd enough to get on the bandwagon; and, the fact that most of us […]