Samsung has already launched its Galaxy S8, and it also prepares for the release of its business-class beauty, the Note 8. All three phones are clearly flagship material, with high-performance hardware hidden under a slick and functional body, yet they come with one major disadvantage: their price tag. According to predictions, the Note 8 will […]
FitDesk Sit-to-Stand Height Adjustable Desk Review
FitDesk is a brand well-known for stationary bike desks that we had a chance to review on TechWalls. Now, they’ve released another product that could lead to a healthier lifestyle. Let’s check out the FitDesk Sit-to-Stand Height Adjustable Desk.
Xiaomi Mi TDS Pen Review – A Cheap Water Quality Tester
As mentioned in a previous post, I’ve recently purchased a water purifier from A.O. Smith and I needed to find a way to figure out if the system is legit. Carrying out a full test would be too expensive, therefore, I decided to get a TDS pen to get basic information about the water quality. […]
Data Scientists’ Everyday Lives
As the science that tackles data, no one can truly underestimate the output of a data scientist. However, not all data scientists are compelled to sit 8-9 hours a day in front of a computer. Their work and its respective ranges and difficulty vary per job.
Wireless Charging for iPhones: Is It Safe or Not?
It is hard to imagine life without our trusty iPhone. We rely on this tiny device so much when we are busy (i.e., answering calls, sending messages, browsing emails, etc.) and even when we are bored (i.e., checking social media feeds, watching videos, playing games, etc.). Simply put, this smartphone is all we could ever […]
A.O. Smith AR75-A-S-2 RO Water Purifier Review – Clean Water or Pure Scam?
After moving to a developing country, one of my biggest concerns is the water quality. Most diseases here are caused by poor water and sanitation conditions, therefore, it is recommended to boil water before drinking. However, boiling can just remove pathogenic bacteria and virus, we won’t be able to get rid of turbidity or chemical pollution.