It’s been a while I didn’t use a gaming laptop. It’s because I didn’t play games much and the MacBook Pro could meet most of the requirements for my daily job.
The Biggest Players in the Future of Cloud Computing
The many benefits of Cloud computing technology have nowadays been recognized as a further step forward in the ‘annihilation of time and space’, a sentence once used to describe Internet technology when it was first developed. The Cloud allows you to store data on online servers hosted by providers so that you do not have […]
Trading Apps: Leveraging the Mobile Platform to Make Money
A staggering 81% of UK residents owned a smartphone by the end of 2015, and this number will continue to rise incrementally in the years ahead. This is just one of numerous trends that continue to influence the market, with one being a distinct rise in the number of annual thefts and mobile hacks.
Bitcoin Double Spend Warning on Blockchain – Will I Lose my Bitcoin?
When I withdrew my Bitcoin from an exchange (Remitano) to my hardware wallet earlier today, I waited for more than 12 hours but the transaction didn’t have any confirmation. Then when I checked it again, I saw the warning on
UK Theft Trends and How to Keep Your Mobile Safe
Due to the advancement of mobile phone technology and the boom in consumer ownership, mobile phones have become an integral part of our daily lives. So much that misplacing our phone for any length of time will make most of us panic. Sadly, phones are also one of the most common items to have stolen. […]
The Future of Home Security
The world of technology has taken a toll to dominate various characteristics of our lives including the security of our home. With the rising amount of crimes and attacks, home automation is becoming a standard choice. It is now an easily affordable solution to common person and provides the benefits of keeping the home in […]