ImageMagick, an open source image processing software, has been infected with a security hole that allows attackers to upload images that contain malicious code intended to deceive the ImageMagick software to run the hacker’s commands remotely.
Hackers targeted Japanese websites with spear phishing
You would be wise not to visit Japanese websites at present as security researchers from Symantec discovered a persistent spear phishing attack perpetrated by a group of hackers calling themselves Tick.
Anonymous hits Kenya’s foreign ministry
Anonymous continues with its effort of fighting corruption and anomaly in governments worldwide, this time hitting Kenya’s foreign ministry by leaking nonpublic documents belonging to the agency.
Do you really need to upgrade your phone as often as Apple or Samsung wants you to?
Smartphone users may have finally realized that they do not need to upgrade their devices every year when a new iPhone or Samsung Galaxy is released, as indicated by the most recent report from market research company IDC.
Will you use Twitter as your primary news app?
Let’s face it, Twitter has never been a top social networking app at least on Google Play Store. Twitter continues to lag behind other popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram.
Microsoft wants you to use Cortana search box only with Edge and Bing
In an effort to increase the adoption of its Bing search engine and Edge browser, Microsoft has a new mandatory order for Windows 10 users: search only using Bing and open all of the links with Edge.