There is a popular maxim that goes to say you cannot correct a mistake by committing another mistake. By the same token, you cannot solve the issue of cyber bullying by committing another cyber bullying.
Why large organizations such as CBS do not actually adopt encryption?
Popular organizations and networks including CBS – because of the sheer size of their company – are expected to embrace best practices when it specifically comes to security. Or perhaps we are only expecting too much from them, because just recently the users of CBS’ sports app were disillusioned when they learned that their personal […]
Fake Adobe Flash Player update tricks Mac users
Apple prides itself in having a robust security infrastructure for customers. But a recent fake Adobe Flash Player update was able to slip past its security radar and infected a number of Mac computers after the users were deceived into believing that the software update came from Adobe itself.
FiiO E6 Portable Headphone Amplifier Review
In most situations, you wouldn’t need to use a portable headphone amplifier. Most recent smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy S7 or LG G5 are built with decent DAC and Amp, so the use of an external amp is unnecessary and it even could make the sound worse if you buy a low-quality headphone amp.
Why you should not pay the ransomware attackers
Ransomware is just another form of data and money extortion that happens online, and it is taking Internet users by storm. But no matter what, you should not give in to the demands of cyber criminals looking to cash in on your data.
[Deal Alert] Buy Wireless Headset, Get Gaming Mouse for Free
If you follow TechWalls, you might know that I rarely share deals on this website. However, this is truly a great deal and it is actually a recent product I reviewed, so I want to share it with you guys to save some money.