Amazon has constantly run into a disaster with its every attempt at jumping on the mobile device bandwagon. A major debacle came to Amazon when its much-touted Fire Phone was removed from consumers due to declining sales which led to dwindling price tags.
Analysts predict a decline in Apple sales this year
Apple is scheduled to report the company’s earnings – some $18.2 billion – for the last quarter this year, marking the firm’s largest profit in its corporate history and of the country as well.
Android vs. iOS – Clash of the App Stores
While app marketplaces were not a new thing back when the first generation of the iPhone was launched, the concept was made famous by Apple soon after the release of the world’s first smartphone. Since then several competitors to the Apple App Store were launched, but it still remains one of the two most significant […]
Amazon Seller Repayment of $500 Charged to my Bank Account, How to Get the Money Back?
You have to be extremely careful when dealing with Amazon. They will not only ban your account for returning items, but also take your hard-earned money. Following is my horrible experience with Amazon.
Dridex Trojan targeting UK-based banks
Security researchers have found a new development with the Dridex Trojan, this time spotting that the attackers have refocused their aim at the banks based in the United Kingdom where large business accounts are being transacted.
UK’s GCHQ develops encryption for government employees with backdoor
The Government Communications Headquarters, United Kingdom’s spy agency, has created a new encryption tool for government employees to protect their communication from hackers. But there’s a catch: it contains backdoor access for the UK government.