While the arrival of the internet has undoubtedly been of a great benefit to humanity no-one can deny that it has its downsides too. This is because a by-product of its interconnectivity and information sharing is that it can expose users to breaches of cyber security.
Facebook is sharing your location with advertisers
In case you have not heard about it yet, Facebook has a new feature that tells businesses about users who may be nearby their store or who happen to pass by their shop, including the exact time of it.
Should encryption be abolished after Paris attacks?
The heated debate over encryption is on, taken further by the recent series of attacks in Paris that some government officials blame on tech companies that sell encrypted devices such as Apple.
Adaptive Fast Charging Stops Working on Samsung Phone, How to Fix it?
The adaptive fast charging feature is a huge advantage of Samsung Galaxy phones over their competitions. I never ran out of battery because the device can be charged from 10% to 70% in half an hour. That’s also one of the reasons I haven’t moved to an iPhone.
New POS-targeting malware found amid holiday shopping season
Point-of-sale terminals are among the favorite targets of attackers, and even more so as the holiday shopping season is here.
Is Anonymous helping or harming the fight against ISIS?
The fight against ISIS takes not only physical weapon systems but also digital tools, most especially because the terrorist group leverages the Internet to recruit new members to its fold. So it only becomes natural for anti-terrorism organizations to hunt ISIS in the virtual world.