Technology advances rapidly, and you need to keep pace with the changes. When you first got your smartphone, it may have seemed as though it had unlimited capabilities, but now it feels old and slow next to the latest generation of portable devices.
How to Check if your iPhone 6S has TSMC or Samsung A9 Processor
To meet huge demand of new iPhone 6S and 6S Plus on launch date, Apple ordered the A9 processors from 2 suppliers, which are Samsung and TSMC.
Must-Have Speciality Apps for Every Hobbyist
Whether you’re just bored, want to dust off a past interest, or genuinely want to learn a new skill, it’s been medically proven that taking a leisurely activity to partake in can be beneficial to your health. But once you’ve chosen something that sparks your interest, it’s difficult to not turn it into a full-blown obsession.
5 Things to Do Before Upgrading to Windows 10
Windows 10 aims to bring more reliability, improve performance, and make computing safer than ever. This new operating system has numerous advantages over its predecessors.
Why Your Business Needs Interactive Video Conferencing
In a world where technology serves to bring people across the world closer together, video conferencing is a great tool. In fact, video conferencing offers advantages in many disciplines – from education to business. If you’ve thought of using interactive video conferencing here is why you should.
Your Health App could Expose you Data to Hackers
Health applications are supposed to protect your private medical data under existing federal regulations, but a recent study uncovered some loopholes in health apps that are even approved by the National Health Service.