If you are using uTorrent to download files from the Internet, chances are that your computer might have been infected with a cryptocurrency mining software, a kind of bloatware that steals bitcoins and other digital currencies from a computer.
Adobe kicks off vulnerability disclosure program without incentives
We have seen the rise of bug bounty programs in many large tech companies as a result of the growing threat landscape that, if unchecked, would bring tremendous damage to critical infrastructures and businesses.
Plantronics RIG Gaming Headset with Mixer Review
Most of us know Plantronics through its decent best-selling Bluetooth headsets. I myself was not aware that it is also a gaming headset manufacturer until the Plantronics RIG was released last fall.
Facebook is cashing in on slow Internet speed
You may think of Facebook as scrambling all too hurriedly to deliver high-speed Internet to potential users in emerging economies with the Internet.org project, but there’s something in slow speed that gets the social networking site hooked to snail pace mobile browsing.
Xiaomi Mi 4 device pre-installed with malware, security test shows
Chinese phone manufacturer Xiaomi may be enjoying warm market embrace with the exponential growth in Mi 4 sales, but that might change following discovery of malware that has been allegedly preinstalled in the device.
Google wants to slap Android into the virtual reality
Search giant Google is edging in the virtual reality race, with tens of developers led by Clay Bavor and Jeremy Doig working on a version of the Android operating system for VR applications, no matter the insignificant number of such devices in the market at present.