The Phiaton PS 210 BTNC was released more than 2 years ago and surprisingly it is still among the best-selling wireless noise-cancelling earphones in the States. How can the earphones hold up so well against other new competitions? Check out my insightful review right below.
Would you stick with Gmail or move on to Inbox?
Already, there are many rave impressions on Google’s Inbox after its debut this week. It seems also that engineers at Google have finally realized that Gmail is gradually losing the luster it once possessed in the early days since it was launched in 2004, a time when email services were in high demand due to […]
To Go Mobile or Not to Go Mobile – That is the Question
It seems as if everyone is “going mobile”. Being mobile is convenient for many aspects of our everyday lives, and if you have a business, a mobile POS system is essential. According to an article on Forbes, the need for mobile POS has been on the rise since 2013. Although you may not believe that […]
Beware of new attacks from malvertising groups, security firm warns
While there’s nothing new in malicious advertisers being used as vectors of online attacks and fraud, cyber criminals are paying more attention on malvertising as a means to perpetrate advanced persistent threats.
Biometric security: an alternative security measure vs bank fraud
There is more to your biometric data than its use in verifying your identity. Financial institutions are looking to biometric systems to protect their valued clients from the growing landscape of cyber attacks.
Despite many data breach reports, some people still don’t care about privacy
There seems to be no end to my encounter with people who dismiss the importance of online privacy as trivial and unnecessary.