Social networking mammoth Facebook might be in for an initial venture into e-Commerce with the launch of the Buy button on its core mobile app, allowing users to make in-app purchases for products and virtual services from retailers.
Google forms Project Zero team to scour for Internet vulnerabilities
Google has kicked off a broad program that is intended to scour the entire Internet for bugs and vulnerabilities through the collaboration of its security researchers. The initiative is called Project Zero, and the search giant promises to leverage all its resources to make the Web a lot safer.
Microsoft retires Nokia X, Nokia Asha and S40 phones
In perhaps its biggest mass layoffs ever, Microsoft is also terminating the production of some Nokia handsets that run operating systems other than the Windows Phone, an extensive move to zero in its focus on the software giant’s proprietary mobile OS.
Facebook launches Mentions app for celebrities
Facebook just launched a new social app that is not just a simple alternative to Facebook, but it’s a social networking app available only to influential people including actors, musicians, athletes and other famous people. These people can use the new Mentions app to discuss and send messages to their fanbase.
Kronos Trojan that steals browsing session credentials seen in black market ad
Those who are hoping to see the ultimate end of further Trojan variants building up on Zeus are in for a big frustration after security researchers from Trusteer, an IBM subsidiary, spotted a fresh malware that scrapes off log-in credentials and online banking information being flaunted in a black market forum.
Google partners with Novartis to develop smart contact lens
Google has moved to help diabetes patients monitor their blood sugar level by partnering with pharmaceutical company Novartis to develop a smart contact lens that builds on the technology used for the Google Glass wearable computing.