If you are afraid of numbers, this may not be the article for you. No, there isn’t any math, but this was a very numbers-heavy WWDC this year. For starters, the conference itself was number significant, being the 30th anniversary of Apple and this is also the 25th anniversary of WWDC.
Google to acquire Skybox Imaging for $500 million
After snagging Titan Aerospace (the startup company that was manufacturing the world’s first solar powered satellites) for $20 million, Google has targeted Skybox Imaging under its crosshairs and has agreed to acquire the company for $500 million.
Can motion-sensing features save Windows Phone handsets?
Coming out with a new strategy to push Windows Phone-based mobile devices into the nooks of the market that have remained untapped, Microsoft intends to bank the future of its handset offerings on motion-sensing technologies such as Kinect in order to attract more users, and hopefully convert the Android and iOS fanatics.
How can environmental factors affect my home?
The winter of 2013/14 will long be remembered for its storms, floods and power cuts. Over 650,000 buildings were affected by power cuts during this period, showing just how big an impact Mother Nature can have on our lives.
Feed Your Love of Gaming with Bing Rewards
We go online everyday to make searches for everything from sports scores to the weather forecast. This has caused us to become attached to the respective search engine that we always find ourselves using. To integrate a new web browser into your routine can be a bit daunting at first, but with Bing Rewards , […]
Ads from Facebook, Disney, The Guardian led to ransomware
Cisco has just discovered a string of malvertising websites that victimize unwary users who have been visiting the sites of The Guardian newspaper, Facebook and Disney. Not only that, it was found that these malvertisers also resort to ransomware in order to funnel hundreds of dollars from users whose computers end up being locked, which […]