Google has faced several criticisms recently for allegedly conniving with the U.S. government, specifically the National Security Agency, in secretly monitoring the netizens’ online activities such as emails, Web searches, and social media interactions. Now Google stands up to prove to the world that it’s side is apparently with the people.
Facebook Video ads coming to your News Feed
As the ads on the side of Facebook page weren’t enough, the company has found another way to fill up their pockets which is ironic considering the 19-billion that Facebook just spend on a single app. Facebook is calling them as premium Facebook Video ads. These ads were being tested since December.
WhatsApp rejects claims of security flaw in the app
With popularity, comes a lot of accusations and same is the case with the $19-billion dollar WhatsApp acquisition that Facebook bought recently. A blogger named Bas Bosschert looked into WhatsApp and found out that malicious developers can actually hack through the security of WhatsApp and can get their hands on the chat history that is […]
Flappy Bird could return soon, says Developer Dong Nguyen
For those of you who are still mourning over the death of Flappy Bird after the developer of the game took it off from the app stores, there is still hope as Dong Nguyen in a detailed interview told Rolling Stone Magazine that he is considering to bring the famous Flappy Bird game back to […]
Dyson Cool AM06 Bladeless Desk Fan Review
Almost 5 years after introducing the first bladeless table fans, Dyson has just released a new line of Dyson Cool fans, including AM06, AM07 and AM08 for the prices of $299, $399 and $449 respectively.
Mt. Gox, Flexcoin Hacking Incidents Cloud Bitcoin Safety with More Doubt
The Bitcoin market has been roiled by two separate cases of online heist in the past few weeks. While there has long been a shadow of doubt over the safety of holding Bitcoins in an online wallet service, these two attacks even more prove that the risk of owning the virtual currency is immensely staggering.