We know all of you Samsung Galaxy owners must be anxiously waiting for the new Android Kitkat updates as till now only the Nexus devices are running on the new OS.
7 Gadgets That Clean Your Home for You
With our hectic lives continuously getting busier and busier, cleaning our homes can often get put to the bottom of our list of priorities. Although cleaning can seem like a bit of a chore, it still remains one of the most important things for us to do; it makes our home more hygienic, safer and […]
Official Premium Cover for Asus Nexus 7 Review
The Nexus 7 FHD is still the best 7-inch tablet this year and it gains a huge customer base thanks to its low price. That explains why there have been a numerous choices of cases for this tablet.
Apple and Google rejecting games with ‘Flappy’ in game title
As you all know that the famous game called Flappy Bird was removed from the app stores of both Google and iOS by the developer but the fact that the game made the developer earn $50,000 a day is not just something that won’t catch someone’s attention.
Kidigi Qi Wireless Charging Dock for Nexus 7 Review
Qi wireless charging stations have been adopted much more widely recently as more manufacturers are incorporating the Qi standard into their mobile devices. And more importantly, prices of the stations are much cheaper. Now you can easily get a good dock for just around $50.
9 Features to Look for in Food Manufacturing Software?
Food manufacturing software often seems like an all-inclusive solution, but you’ll want to consider a few features before diving in.