LG and Samsung have already started making curved devices and they are very much into this game. Last December, we here at Techwalls revealed that Apple is working on its new iPhone project – the iPhone 6. Let me explain this project in a nutshell.
Now set video as a notification tone on your Android device with Dodol Pop
Remember those Nokia’s Symbian devices, which allowed you to set video as a ringtone for a phone call? Well those days are back again. You can do that stuff including more on your Android device now.
Cambridge Audio Minx Go Bluetooth Speaker Review
I didn’t know much about the Cambridge Audio brand until I received the Minx Go for reviewing. That’s understandable because Cambridge Audio doesn’t have a long history like others and it is based in London, UK.
How to Connect MySql DataBase Driver with Eclipse IDE
Those who want to connect databases with Eclipse IDE. This will help you to learn step by step to establish a connection of database in Eclipse IDE. You have these software to connect database with Eclipse:
Sony unveiled Xperia T2 Ultra and Ultra dual
After the huge announcement of their flagship compact smartphone Sony is now going towards phablets which are targeted towards the mid-ranged side of the market. They just announced two new phablets the Xperia T2 ultra and the Xperia T2 Ultra dual and the only different between the two phablets is the option of a dual […]
List of smartphones that got Android KitKat 4.4 Update
Google announced their new OS Android Kitkat 4.4 a couple of months back and for being the newest OS out there in the line of Android, the most popular as well, but the question is when will your phone get the new update as a lot of Android users are anxiously waiting to try it […]