I used the Google Nexus 7 2013 for a couple of months and I didn’t use it with any protective case because I just couldn’t find a good one. I tried the official Asus travel case before but it sucked and I threw it away without any hesitation.
Apple’s new Mac Pro reveals removable RAM and Intel processor slot
A treat for all hardware enthusiasts before the New Year! The news elaborates that the processor which will be powering Apple’s new Mac Pro desktop seems to be removable in nature, means that you can upgrade your CPU anytime you want in future.
How to get started with AirDroid and login to Web Desktop with your Android Phone
Android smartphones become more helpful and we are using them more than just a phone. If you work on a computer and still need access to your Android phone, for example, to make calls, manage contacts, messages, photos, videos, etc, this is the solution for you. First you have to download and install AirDroid app […]
SmallWorks Lego Brick Case for iPhone 5S Review
Who doesn’t love Lego? How about the combination of Lego and iPhone case? SmallWorks knows there are a lot of fans from the 2 brands and they release some different Lego brick cases, not only for iPhone but also iPad Mini and iPod Touch.
Apple powering Siri using Voice-controlled photo tagging and searching
Apple is really working hard after Microsoft is threatening its global market with the back to back Lumia series expansions. To counteract it in some manner, Apple patented a system which would allow the iOS users to tag something using voice-commands or can retrieve photos stored in iOS devices. The patent was published today.
How to get iOS Control Center on your Android Device
If you happen to own an Android device then there is no end to the possibility of customizing your device. In android you will find hundreds of launchers which can take away the boredom of same setup.