It feels great when you gift someone with something very endearing and special! And you can’t get a better time to gift a gadget or a cool thing than this Pre-New year Week.
How to Extract XML code from Apk file in Android
When you lost your data due to some reasons but you have a apk file. Then you can get the code from the apk file. To get the xml code from apk file.
More details about HTC One 2 leaked
HTC did make it to the top of the Android phones with their HTC One which was Android smartphone of the year but to compete with its biggest competitors like Apple, Samsung and LG next year it has to come up with a new smartphone.
How to install Xposed Framework Module?
Ability to customize your Android device has always been the plus point of the Operating system over the others. With Android you can change your phone in almost anything. For this power all you need is knowledge on how to root and flash Custom ROMS and other tweaks.
Alleged LG G3 Specs leaked
LG G2 was no doubt an amazing smartphone from LG this year with the latest software and the fast hardware for being equipped with a Snapdragon 800 processor, but 2014 is just around the corner and so is the moment for LG to come up with another smartphone the successor to the LG G2 known […]
Leaked images show Nokia’s first dual sim Windows Phone
Some time ago a news about Moneypenny hit the internet and there were rumors about it that it’s the codename used by Nokia for their new dual sim windows phones and looks like they were correct.