It hasn’t been long time since we got the news that Google Chrome apps will be available for mobile operating systems. In September, Google mentioned that once they are done, bundled versions of web apps could be sold in Google Play Store and iOS app store.
Dual screen YotaPhone launches in Russia and Europe
Miss the old flip phones in the old days having two displays? A Russian company just came up with their new smartphone called the YotaPhone.
Samsung working on 20-megapixel camera for next gen devices
News just came out that the team over at Samsung is working a new camera for their new flagship smartphone yet to come in the future. They are working on a 20-megapixel camera that we might see in in their next line of smartphones.
Electrolux UltraPower Studio Stick Vacuum Review
I always prefer stick vacuum over full-sized ones because it is much more lightweight and compact. The problem is that it is so difficult to find a high-quality stick vacuum at the moment.
How to Set Up MaxCDN on WordPress
After playing around with different services to optimize page speed for TechWalls, I decided to come back to my first solution which is MaxCDN.
Dell 24-inch UP2414Q monitor pictures leaked
To start with, I have no idea why Dell introduced this new desktop monitor when it is evident that in another couple of years, the concept of PC will extinct. Keeping that in mind, Dell gave birth to this new product which all in all is a masterpiece within 4k range.